Whether it’s your home or your Office it’s a nice feeling having a painting that you have specifically commissioned for your wall.
Bold and colourful art says something about you, your taste and your style.
If you see a piece on the site that you like but it’s the wrong size or colour scheme for you all you need to do is ask and Peter will see what he can do for you, just you!




Peter offers commissions which act as the perfect gift, personal memento or signature piece for your home as well as commissioned pieces inside office spaces. For example, on of his most popular commission requests are birth paintings to celebrate welcoming a new addition to the family. Additionally, he can also create a custom painting to fit certain spaces within a building or office to create a great first impression for clients, guests and employees.

Public Art


Peter’s work can be seen all across Brisbane in the form of public art. You can commission a piece of public art for your development project in the form of sculpture or mural.